Setting up environment variable ,make it easier to launch the Android tools and work with android commands
Make Sure you have already installed android sdk before , if not the visit How to installing android sdk
After successfully installing android sdk and configuring it with eclipse , now it's time to setup environment variable for android
lets go step by step
Step 1
Click on windows -> computer ->Properties
Step 2
In Properties window click on "Advanced system settings"
Step 3
now system properties dialog comes up there click on "Environment variable"
Step 4
Environment variable dialog comes up there under system variables click on "New" button , on click of "new" a dialog box
comes up there enter the "Variable name" and "Variable value"
Variable name can be anything , in my case i have given "ANDROID_HOME"
Variable value should be android sdk installed directory path upto "android-sdk"
in my case the value is "C:Program Files (x86)Androidandroid-sdk"
Enter the variable name and it's value in the popup dialog and then click ok
Step 5
now inside system variables select the variable with name "Path" and click on "Edit" button , on click of "Edit" a dialog box comes there edit the variable value
value for SDK tools = %ANDROID_HOME%tools;
value for android platform tools= %ANDROID_HOME%platform-tools;
so add the following value
;%ANDROID_HOME%tools;%ANDROID_HOME%platform-tools; to the end of path variable values and click ok
thats it your done :)
Step 6
To verify the environment variable has set or not , just open command prompt and enter the following command "adb version"
very Informative post
Thank you :)
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